Sag-Cap Long-Term Influences

The following content was based on a horoscope from Mar 24, 2011

The site that provided the synopses below:

And if there’s anything TO all that is mentioned below
– and I’m of the mind of Dr. Kary Mullis who believes there’s enough evidence to suggest that there IS…

…then I’d imagine that these would speak
to more than just me.  They would speak to anyone
born near the time I was born

If you believe yourself to be
or know someone who believes themselves to be
A Saggitarius-Capricorn cusp

Then….read the synopses below.

It would seem I have….
…so far, and feebly, but
if you know me these days
and read below, you’d have a sense
of how all that’s hitting me.

Thanks for listening.


Horoscope of 3/23-24/11
born on 24 December 1961

Transit selected:  Pluto Conjunction Mercury
Activity period from middle of January 2011 until middle of November 2012
Secret investigations

Valid during many months: In many respects this will be an educational time in your life. Your ideas and opinions on many issues may change radically from what they have been in the past. Or you may become involved in persuading others to adopt your views. In either case, all thought, communication and exchange with others will take on great significance and intensity. Your concern for the truth is deepened during this time. You want to get to the bottom of any issue that concerns you, letting nothing stand in your way. Obviously this is a good time for any kind of research or investigation, particularly if you are investigating something hidden or secret. Your perception is sharpened so that you can see the facts more clearly and take advantage of your knowledge. Once you have thoroughly researched your position on any matter, you can tell others what you have learned. As mentioned above, this influence gives you the power to persuade people and sway them to your point of view. However, if you try to convince people from a narrow egotistical position, not because of a real concern with truth, you will provoke opposition to your ideas, which could defeat you. Even if you do not try to coerce others with your ideas, others may try to do so with you. Again you have to recognize whether their motives are egotistical or whether they really want to help you learn. Listen to those who want to help you, because they can show you much. The former type will force you to reexamine your own thinking and see where it is weak, but do not automatically surrender to someone else’s ideas. Merely question your own. At its best, this influence can bring you tremendous new understanding about life, if you are flexible enough to learn at all times, even when you are the teacher. Flexibility is very important, because the greatest danger of this influence is that without it you can be victimized by an obsession or fanatical ideal. Then you will only find yourself in furious struggles with others who regard you as a threat that must be curbed.

Transit selected:  Neptune Sextile Mars
Activity period from end of May 2010 until middle of December 2012
In the same boat

Valid during many months: At this time success and getting your own way will not seem so important to you. You are much more concerned with whether your life serves igher goals and principles than with your own needs. It is very important to you that your own individuality be expressed as part of the larger scheme. Consequently you are likely to work with others toward shared spiritual or metaphysical goals, and you may actively participate in a religious or spiritual movement. But you will probably stay out of the limelight for the most part, because you are in a rather retiring mood. It is as if the effort of pushing yourself into the forefront would disturb your attempt to find peace, which is more important to you now. This is a time for reflection rather than vigorous action. As you succeed in quieting the demands of your ego, you will discover the smaller, quieter voices that exist within us all. You may discover that the furious activity that has dominated your life hasn’t really meant much to you, that you did it for others in order to feel better about yourself. You may discover a psychic side to your consciousness that you haven’t noticed before because you have been so busy rushing around. One of the more benevolent effects of this influence is that it gives you empathy for others and the ability to intuitively understand their positions. Now you realize that you have been where they are, and you know from first-hand experience the tricks that people play on themselves and the foolish mistakes they make. So along with your increased understanding of spiritual truth comes the ability to understand others and to accept their shortcomings. You know that you are in the same place they are.

Transit selected for today: Neptune Opposition Uranus,,
Activity period from 16 March 2011 until middle of January 2013
Out of your mind
Valid during many months: This influence represents an enormous revolution in your consciousness, as you are exposed to aspects of life that you never dreamed possible. These might include any of the following: the occult or metaphysics; astrology; magic; altered states of consciousness, perhaps through drugs or meditation; or groups whose ideas are extremely idealistic and radical. What is actually happening is that tremendous new understandings are asserting themselves in your life with such force that they seem to upset all your past ways of thinking. However, this is only a problem of perspective. At this time you are in the middle of these changes and cannot see the relationship between your new consciousness and your old. But they are related, which you will come to understand as the immediate impact of this influence begins to pass. This is a period of tremendous psychological insights and change, but not much stability. Therefore keep your situation fluid enough that you can make changes as necessary. Do not try to build permanent structures at this time, because you will have to change them again and again. It should be noted, however, that the primary effects of this influence occur at the psychological level. Possibly you will respond to this influence with confusion, doubt and uncertainty. Let it be, and wait for the situation to settle down. Try to minimize the elements of your life that require you to make long-range commitments, because your changing consciousness will make it difficult to continue such a commitment. If old goals lose their meaning, that is what must be. Be patient, and new goals will enter your life that will better fit your new state of mind. Others may think you have gone out of your mind because of what you do and see at this time, but do not be concerned. This revolution in ideas and consciousness is a fundamental part of your life, and it must be allowed to pursue its own course.

Transit selected:  Chiron Conjunction Chiron
Activity period from beginning of March 2011 until beginning of February 2012
Starting a new life

Valid during many months: Profound changes during this very important time could have far reaching consequences for the coming years. One way or another, you will have to deal with the issue of your own mortality. You will often be painfully reminded of your own physical limitations, which will make you increasingly aware of the transitory nature of an individual life. The recognition of having passed our physical peak confronts us with issues concerning the end of life. Avoiding or suppressing this issue during this influence could lead to injuries and defeats. Strong reluctance can cause depression and a deep sense of the meaninglesness of life. This influence confronts you with the necessity of accepting your own weakness and mortality. If you try to struggle against this inevitable fact you will suffer and are doomed to fail, perhaps with devastating consequences for your self-confidence. You may now need to make a conscious effort to look after yourself. Give yourself the chance to withdraw, so that you can devote yourself to deeper issues. Any course of therapy you now start or a newly begun religious or spiritual path could open up perspectives which could lead to a genuine rebirth. Don’t be afraid to go down new paths or to ask for help. If you can find genuine answers as to how you should proceed in the future your life will be filled with a higher purpose.


  1. Wow, these are really accurate, including the time frames! During 2012 and into 2013 I was going through some really tough psychological and physical issues with myself and my ex-spouse, to the point where I wanted to die. That was the final 4 months of 2012. I felt like my voice was NOT being heard, and only his perspective counted. I was being victimized, and I had life-altering thoughts and physiologic changes so massive to my being during that 2012-early 2013 period. Then, as if my “prayer” was heard about wanting to die, I was diagnosed with cancer at the very end of 2012, and to my relief the victimization stopped for about a year and a half, as I underwent treatment. Only to begin again, and finally culminate in divorce. While I did learn about myself and how I affected the relationship, during that time before, and the few years after during remission, I learned more about my relationship and the major change that had to happen to save my life. I have resisted reading horoscopes for at least 20 years, fearing what they may reveal, but reading these from a past time period and reflecting on what I was going through at that time is bringing new insight and perspective. Thanks for posting.

  2. I think horoscopes sometimes are amazingly accurate even when they are not current. The one about starting a new life could have been written just for me…today!! So amazing. It’s like The Universe guided me right back to it. I didn’t click over at first, then I got nudged. Glad I read it. Thank you for posting this link on your other post about us Sag/Cap Cusp people. Being a Sag/Cap person is not for the faint hearted! 🙂

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